
Griefing, or destroying the property of other players without their permission, earns an instant ban on Just Pixelmon with no warning.

On such a small server, griefing is unlikely to happen very often. When it does, for the most part the staff will be able to help you fix it. Even so, there are a few things to keep in mind when building on a server with no land protection that can help you deter griefing.

1. Don't build right next to spawn, or near a high-traffic area like a warp point. This decreases the likelihood of being found by a griefer.
2. Put up a sign so that other players don't accidentally break something in your area thinking it's abandoned. This prevents honest mistakes that lead to arguments.
3. For builds you don't plan to use regularly, have a staff member prevent anyone from building in that area.

If you have been griefed, let a staff member know as soon as you can. If none are online, take screenshots of the damage. The staff will do their best to help you fix what was broken or stolen.

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